Can I be done with this week? No, I mean really done. As in move on and not look back. Done.
When I have weeks like this I call Deb and go on and on about my woes and typically trade a few and I feel all better or at least like things will be okay. Deb has the trump right now of bad weeks (months). Who can top, "My son has kidney disease and needs a transplant and my grandson has a rare leukemia and will need a bone marrow transplant." SHE WINS EVERY TIME. Sigh. Not that I want to win, I just want to whine. Blah.
So, I have decided to spill here and call it good.
Friday: Eve lets Bob overhear that Jim is embezzling money from his dad. (Isn't happening.)
Saturday: Jim goes to inspect our rental to find out that we have a drug Earl-pin (definitely not a king-pin with only 100+/- marijuana plants) living in the property and it is trashed. (Earldoms are much trashier than kingdoms.)
Sunday: Poorly received lesson. (I don't know if the lesson was poor or not, I wasn't paying that close attention. Wallowing/self obsessing will do that.)
Monday: Shopping with Steve, and Bob tagged along. It was actually nice but I had to keep a straight face with Eve and it is hard not to punch someone in the kisser that tells lies about your family.
Wednesday: Dinner with in-laws. It was just bad. Eve tried to pull a fast one and sold something that wasn't hers to sell and then tried to hide it. Jim and Bob tried to put me in the middle but I needed to stay out of it. Not my circus. Not my monkey. (I think I want this on my tomb stone.)
Thursday: A huge tree on the Boulder Creek property fell on our neighbor's house barely missing him and his girlfriend. It is bad. Very bad.
Friday: Dealing with insurance is not fun. It wasn't horrible but it was tedious. And by tedious I mean time/soul sucking.
I'm done.
Deb still wins but in this case I would rather be the loser. (Sorry Deb!)
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