Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Little Seamstress or Introducing Designs by Lauren

Little Miss Lauren has been sewing her heart out this summer. She has made; 2 pillowcases (see above), 3 skirts (see one below), 2 beach sized tote bags (one below but hard to see), a pillow (she made her own pattern!?), a headband and several fabric flowers. She loves sewing!

She has the pattern for her Halloween costume already, a gypsy outfit. She already has the fabric picked out and is gathering notions. What cracks me up is that she knows what a french seam is. Can anyone tell ME what a french seam is?

I remember when Mom tried to teach me to sew. Dad said I had to learn before I could get my license. Marcy sewed, Debbie sewed, so, really, how hard could it be? I picked out an elastic topped material that we were going to do one seam up the side, hem and add spaghetti straps. I knew Mom was bent on torture. Against the Geneva Convention torture! I was willing to go with the Chinese water torture rather than submit to this. It was awful, took weeks to finish and then, AND THEN, I had to wear it to church. Ugh. I was mortified when Jennifer Condi (Suzie homemaker even at 15.) said in her sweetest voice, "Nice dress.". At the time I thought she was the devil himself and was in with my mother on the total teenage mortification plan. (Now I know she was just being sympathetic and nice - drat her.) I put it away and never wore it again. I think I passed it down to someone - no idea who wore it next but at least it wasn't me.

I am really happy Lauren loves to sew and I have, thanks to patient and understanding friends and family, come to enjoy it sometimes. Projects still scare me but I think with Lauren learning I may have the courage to try again.


  1. Wow! Go Lauren! So did she take a class or something? Who is teaching her about french seams at her age?

    My mom forced me to learn how to sew also (one sewing project per summer), and I also have a dress that I wore once and then passed down. After that I only sewed things for my sisters so I didn't have to wear them.

  2. Great job, Lauren! I especially like the skirt.

    I could tell you what a French seam is, but then I'd have to kill you.

  3. Lauren has taken 5 sewing classes this summer. 3 have been at Joann's and 2 with Project Funway in Los Gatos. She is excited and thrilled to go do these and then show friends how to do it. I may have to buy stock in fabric soon!

  4. I don't have to mention that I work at a fabulous fabric store that might have a lot of little projects that can keep a bright little girl buuuuuusssssy! Just let me know.
    WAY TO GO LAUREN!!!!You are now part of the sisterhood!
    BTW French seams are my fave!

  5. Fun! I told Keira that she should invite all of the girl cousins to her house and she and Debbie could run a Project Runway Camp for a week. They could all pick out hideous dresses at GW and then turn them into fun outfits.
    Notice that I did not include myself in the mix.
