Friday, April 15, 2011

We're Moving....

....not really. Not yet.... Jim is looking for a new job. He has interviewed for jobs in Hong Kong, Denver, Livermore (CA), Carlsbad, East Coast (does it matter where exactly?), and several other places I can't remember. Each time he tells me about these I wonder about how it would be to say yes to the job and then move. Move. Say it with me, Move. We've lived here for almost 12 years. I have roots here. I have fairly deep roots here. I have lived in the area now for 25 years, more here than anywhere else. This whole job thing has made me wonder where would I go if I could go anywhere? I like Colorado but it does get very cold and I can't run outside when it is below about 20 degrees (figured that one out at Christmas). Don't know about a foreign posting (It's the ex-patriot name that bothers me... I'm very patriotic, really.), I'd have to think long and hard about that one. Carlsbad might be okay. Australia could be interesting but they have the top 10 deadliest spiders and snakes - neither thrill me much. So, where would you live if you knew it was only a short term assignment, say 3 years?


  1. Move here! Move here! I know that's not going to happen - something to do with wimpy California boys...

    Before last month I might have said Japan. At the moment it makes me nervous.

    I could do England or Scotland...maybe Holland or Norway (except that I'm lousy with languages). I think I could do New Zealand.

  2. Expat. I'm a bit too patriotic to think that term sounds nice, but it does give me a laugh to say it.

    I'd move to England, Scotland, Ireland,...places that I would have a chance at understanding the language.

  3. If one more person blog-announces that they are moving....

    I guess that would answer your high school question though.

    And although the term expat may not be lovely, often their benefits packages are.

  4. Well, I'm moving too...back to Rexburg( this will be the 5th time I've moved to Rexburg!)Given a choice I would move to Scotland...probably an island off their coast actually,and into a house with a 2 story library and a view of the sea.I would look great in the clothes and could do the accent in small doses.I would not eat the national dish.

  5. don't move! So many people leaving!

    And...I would go to Australia!

  6. I say Colorado. I know it gets cold, but then you could be close to sister...s! Imagine all of the fun projects!

  7. Is that the kid I used to babysit?
    Wow, they look mature.
