I am a Yes-Man. Many in my family are: we come by it honestly - genetically. I'm sure Mom was a Yes-Man. Dad, well, to a point and if he can include his point probably. I don't want to speak for him but I've seen him do his share of Yes-man work.
I've been saying yes too often for my families liking and my sanity. I don't begrudge most of it but there are things that I'd rather not do but I think to myself, "If I don't do it, or help, I will end up doing it anyway or fixing what has been done instead of doing it right the first time.". That's really the crux of it, doing it right the first time. If I heard it once I heard it a thousand times, "If you have time to do it then you have time to do it right!". It must have sunk very deep into our very cells because I have a need to have things done right. Not that there aren't many ways to do things mind you and many of them end up right but there are people who do it wrong, sometimes on purpose I'm sure (my brother David was one of those people).
So, I will go on feeling a bit like a bobble head and doing things that I get pulled into. I guess it gets me out and involved with people when I would rather be solo or in smaller groups.
But here is the the Bobble Head Yes-Man group. May your neck springs never give out!
I too am a bobble-head. Dang.