Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm feeling weathered and I think my hairs on fire.

Yup. My hair is on fire.
I have had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Sunday afternoon things started to fall apart and it went downhill from there.
Sunday: Terrible dinner. I mean bad, tasteless and not enough of it. When I come away hungry and I ate everything on my plate it's bad. I also got lost and since I am directionally impaired and didn't get the help I needed quick enough I got mad.
Monday: I was home for 38 minutes between 8 a.m. and 6:15 p.m.. Enough said.
Tuesday: Tried to get to Lauren's room but was interrupted by kids, in-laws, work, in-laws, in-laws and I think I saw my husband in there somewhere around 9:30 p.m..
Wednesday: Lost my father-in-law. Well, I didn't lose him he lost himself. Thank goodness for a Good Samaritan that got him to pull over on Hwy 280 (he was going 15 mph) and lead him to where he needed to go. I called where he was supposed to be and had to go pick him up and then it was a driving circus running around with him on errands and getting him lunch. So, in the course of everything I lied (a necessary lie to keep FIL off road), stole (a key from his house - told MIL - so I could get to him if I need to), panicked twice and feel drained. And then I had to deal with the school district main office, a high school that my child doesn't attend and several people that told me, " lie all the time about things like this...". WHAT?
Please spray me with seltzer water if you see me....

1 comment:

  1. Soooo sorry your week was bad.I,of course, am always glad to spray water on you whenever you should need it...just call ;)
