Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MRSA - Warning! Don't look at this!

Jim has been going through some challenging skin issues lately. He has had a terrible rash for about three weeks. On Thursday of last week something new 'popped' up. It looked awful and he said it was really painful. He went to see his doctor on Friday who said it was probably a skin infection and referred him to a dermatologist who could see him in a week. Saturday he was in so much pain he went in to Urgent Care. They lanced him - I said, "Got medieval on his ___." which I thought was funny but he did not laugh. Sunday it looked worse so he spent the day with a Russian nurse who didn't know the Cold War was over and tortured Jim until he blacked out which is not passing out according to her.
Fast forward to yesterday: our regular GP had a look and said it looks like MRSA. Huh? It is a strain of staph infection that doesn't respond to antibiotics. Really? Oh, yes, this is the type that if it goes unchecked you die. REALLY? Oh, yes. Our GP thinks they caught it in time and Jim is on horse pills and has had two really painful shots. He will probably live. BTW, don't look this one up - it is ugly.
I told him I was going to be VERY angry with him if he did die on me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My hair is out but I'm still feeling weathered

Well, it has been 3 long weeks since I last wrote. 3 very long weeks. Let's recap:

1. Preparation for mediation
2. Mediation that went no where but to more (4+) meetings scheduled but now I know what
I'm being sued for, I think.
3. School started
4. Painted Lauren's room - still trying to get her stuff out of my room - daunting!!
5. Painted hall, including the 14' ceiling. Paintbrush taped on end of an extending pole works
great for those hard to reach places.
6. Research and document review for mediation - argh.
7. Had to finish on-line course for license renewal (will it matter if things go bad?) 91% on test.
I blame my score on Roger scratching for attention just when I started until I was done!!
8. Cracked rib - hard to sleep, hard to run
9. Caught a cold/flu type bug that knocked me out for a couple of days. When was the last time
I had a fever?
10. More research and paperwork review for mediation. Annoying!
11. More painting, office windows, FR windows and trim, and bathroom ceiling (ugh)

I am feeling better, I'm caught up on work (oh, yeah, throw that in the mix above) and my laundry is done for the day.

Maybe I'll shower.