Friday, November 5, 2010

School, a thought

We are the Millers the mighty, mighty Millers! (Who wouldn't be afraid of someone with an ax?)

Matriculating from the public school system I really never gave high school much thought - I would go. My dad taught at the HS I went to, my sisters and brothers attended the same, I knew most of the teachers from the district picnics, this was a simple question of signing up for classes and showing up in a fabulous '70's outfit the first day. High school was no great challenge for me, I was motivated by the $10 we got for getting all A's, and I wasn't popular so I didn't have the distraction of being well liked by hordes or having boys showing off for me. But now I shutter at the public school system.

I called the school district again this week - I was told I could make an appointment to pre-register Connor in November - and asked again about the possibility of getting on a waiting list for another (better) HS. The woman I spoke to was the director of this department, she told me, "Due to your socio-economic situation you will not be released from the school boundaries you are in.". To be told because I was a homeowner that my kid couldn't go to another school seemed ridiculous! So, I did some intense research and sure enough the district has a policy that says basically that only those in low socio-economic situations will be given consideration upon appeal of assigned HS. WHAT? I am outraged that because I am in a good economic position my child won't be considered for a transfer. I don't want precedence I just want equal rights.

California's school system is screwed up with politicos that believe by giving a good show that will be lauded by their peers. One of the political messages here in CA this election season was for the person elected to REALLY represent their constituents. What a world it would be if we had people who really believed that and did it to the best of their abilities.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!

    The district is weighed down by so many laws and mandates and policies and procedures that they are too busy to provide a decent education anymore.

    A few years ago some friends of ours looked at us real funny when we said we picked our house based on the kids' school. Now that their son needs to register for kindergarten they are calling us asking how to get their kid into a better school! It is a completely ridiculous mess. Good luck finding what you want for Connor.
