Monday, December 20, 2010

Crockpot Ham

Sunday we had my nephew, David, and his girlfriend, Xuehui (shoe-hoy), over for a pre-Christmas dinner. Since we had church and about 5 other things to do I opted for a ham. I thought throw it in the oven, glaze it and done. Then I was talking to Debbie and she gave me this great recipe (thanks much sis!). I don't know where it originated but it's easy and really good.

Crockpot Ham

1 6 to 9 lb ham
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 cups pineapple juice

Put the ham in the crockpot on low for 4 to 5 hours (mine was in for about 7 and it was great!). Add the other ingredients in order and forget it. You can baste it after 2 hours if you want. We did and it had a nice tang all over. Serve hot.

We served it with basmati rice, fresh cut pineapple and Hawaiin rolls (of course!). Ham and pineapple just go together!

Later this week we'll have ham and white bean soup!!! I love ham!!


  1. Yay! Don't you just love finding something easy and relatively foolproof?

  2. This is my favorite ham recipe. I use the leftovers in Beanland soup and Chinese Fried Rice. Yum!
