Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good Will

Creating good will requires some effort. Good will can be accomplished with people who are willing to agree with me. Let's agree on the following:
1. The bear you got from your aunt - that you don't remember - isn't a "sentimental" item.
2. The sleeping bag you used when you were 5 isn't precious.
3. The clothes you have NEVER worn and have now grown out of are of no use to you.
4. The games that you no longer play because you are over the suggested age can be donated.
5. You will never use the PS-whatever it is again because you have a new PS-whatever.
6. Crunchy pillows, no matter who gave them to you, should leave the house.
Now if I can get my husband to realize that he will not be wearing those '90's suits or plaid slacks ever again we will be in great shape.

(Filled up the back of the Suburban and made a Goodwill run today!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I never would have pegged Jim for a plaid pants kind of guy.

    I'll never look at him the same way again!
