Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vacation - Day 4


We lost three boys today. Not for that long - about 35 minutes - but it was scary none the less.

Tia decided Tylor was too cute to leave behind when his mother wasn't in sight.

After looking for Tylor for 10 minutes but finding Keira - we had Spencer with us - I told Danny to walk him to her. I went to the car for literally less than a minute I walked down to Keira and asked where Danny was and she said not there. Uh, what? We spent 10 minutes looking around the hotel for them, then I called Tia who told me she had Tylor (1 down) but no sign of Danny or Spencer. Keira headed off to walk the 1/4 mile to Disneyland with Connor on the lookout for the others. I had the hotel staff do a top to bottom (It must happen often because they were fast!) and then Danny called me back (I had called him 3 times, then called Deb to confirm the number and called again.) Danny had taken Spencer to Disneyland. I told him to stay where he was and called Keira to locate him. By the time I got there 10 minutes later I wasn't fuming (thanks Deb). When I took Danny aside and asked him why he had taken Spencer to Disneyland and not to Keira who was 50 feet away he said, "I don't look up." I had to laugh. Really laugh. It was so very teenager-ish.

We ended up having a great day at California Adventure so all was well and good!


  1. Isn't that the same day we lost Brady and his cousin Carter too?

  2. Well, Danny got home safe and sound - he navigated both airports just fine. Thanks for taking him for the week!

  3. I am constantly amazed that teenagers grow up to be adults...I think that threat of prison if you do kill them really is a good for me anyway.
