Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby Steps

Several - by several I mean 12+ - months ago our master bathroom faucet started to drip. Since I hardly ever use that bathroom during the day and it's upstairs it didn't bother me until bed time ... drip, drip, drip. Used a wash cloth for months but then the dripping got worse so it would soak the cloth at about 1 a.m. .. drip, drip, drip, even worse than before because now it was a rain drop into a puddle splash. So, Jim and I found a set of new faucets, thank you HD for having them on sale for $67! Here is our "remodeled" bathroom with new matching pulls on the drawers. And no drips... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. They look great and 12 months is a nice time frame... not too short, not too long.
    You know, I know a guy would could put granite on that countertop for you (lol).
